1. Introduction
2. Geotechnical Investigation and In-situ Testing 3. Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 4. Settlement of Shallow Foundations 5. Earth Retaining Structures 6. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Deep Foundations |
SEMESTER | 7th |
eclass | https://eclass.upatras.gr/courses/CIV1659/ |
Details | https://www.civil.upatras.gr/index.php/odhgos/ |
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION and EXAMINATIONS | Greek. Teaching may be however performed in English in case foreign students attend the course. |
Credits ECTS | 6 |
Teaching Hours | 4 |
Erasmus+ | Νο |
Code | CIV_7320 |
At the end of this course the students should be able to understand: 1. (a) The tasks that must be accomplished by the foundation in order to achieve the proper functioning of a structure, and (b) the differentiation between shallow and deep foundations 2. The limit states of ultimate failure and serviceability of foundations 3. The need for a rational estimation of the expected settlement of a foundation under the applied loading 4. The need for a rational estimation of the ultimate load capacity of a foundation 5. The differentiation of behavior between non-cohesive and cohesive soils with regard to the development of settlements and the ultimate load capacity 6. (a) The purpose and the types of earth retaining structures (b) the methods for estimation of earth pressures and (c) the critical role played by the displacement of structure
At the end of the course the student will have further developed the ability to: 1. Plan the appropriate geotechnical investigation for a project including in-situ testing 2. Estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations, for different types of ground conditions, taking into consideration the available codes 3. Estimate the expected settlement of a foundation and compare it to the allowable values provided in the code(s) 4. Analyze and design a foundation based on both criteria of ultimate bearing capacity and allowable settlement 5. Analyze and design on earth retaining structure, including reinforced concrete walls and steel sheet pile walls |