Research areas:

  • Surface and Sub-surface Hydrology, Hydroclimatic variability, Climate Change, Extreme Event estimation, Hydrologic risk modeling and impact assessment.
  • Design, monitoring, management and reliability assessment of hydraulic infrastructures (reservoirs, dams, aqueducts, water distribution networks, sewerage networks, treatment plants etc.).
  • Coastal Engineering, Port Engineering, Coastal Protection, Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Sediment Transport and Numerical Simulation of turbulent Flows
  • Numerical and experimental study of flow and pollutant transport (advection-diffusion-dispersion) in open channels and internal waters.
    Determination of mechanical, physical and hydraulic properties of geomaterials and geosynthetics (experimental testing of soils, rock mass, discontinuities, geosynthetics and geofoams, development of constitutive models for soil materials, etc.)
  • Numerical study of the behavior of foundations and earth structures under static and dynamic loads (shallow and deep foundations, retaining structures, reinforced earth, lightweight fills, assessment of liquefaction hazard, soil-structure interaction, etc.)
  • Ground seismic response analysis (in-situ determination of dynamic soil properties, utilization of accelerometer networks, numerical study of the effect of local soil conditions and topography, etc.)
  • Acquisition and processing of instrumental monitoring data (measurements of inclinometers, tilt meters, pore water pressures, manmade soil vibrations, soil settlements, etc.)
  • Study of fluid mechanic and wave propagation problems using applied mathematics (differential equations, difference equations, special functions).
  • Measurement and analysis of static and dynamic deflections of structures (bridges, dams, tunnels, etc.) and of the ground (earthquakes, landslides etc.) and modelling of seismic faults and volcanoes; theory and applications.
  • Metrology, signal analysis and fusion of geodetic instruments (satellite, robotic, conventional); applications in various fields (tunnel excavation, high-rise and large constructions, archaeology etc.)
  • Advanced geostatistical methods for big-data analyses and quantification of terrestrial ecosystem structure (e.g., topography) and function (e.g., geophysical and biophysical processes), including natural and urban environments.
  • Cross-scale analyses of Land-Atmosphere interactions and their responses to climate variability (e.g., droughts) and human-induced changes (e.g., land use), based on spatiotemporal data from field campaigns, airborne and satellite remote sensing, and process-based numerical modeling.

The following Laboratories belong to Division B:


Langousis, Andreas
Langousis, Andreas Professor


Dimakopoulos. Aggelos
Dimakopoulos. AggelosAssistant Professor
Dimas, Athanasios
Dimas, AthanasiosProfessor
Kontoe Stavroula
Kontoe Stavroula Associate Professor
Pappas Christoforos
Pappas ChristoforosAssistant Professor
Pelekis, Panagiotis
Pelekis, Panagiotis Assistant Professor
Petropoulou, Eugenia
Petropoulou, Eugenia Associate Professor
Theocharis Alexandros
Theocharis AlexandrosAssistant Professor