1. Introduction
Soil formation, mineralogy and basic characteristics.
2. Natural state of soils
Phase diagram, gradation, plasticity, classification.
3. Stresses in soils
Geostatic conditions, theory of elasticity, external loads, deformation.
4. Water in soils
Types of water, effective stresses, geostatic and flow conditions, Darcy law, permeability.
5. Consolidation
Theory of consolidation, primary and secondary consolidation, total settlement, time-rate of settlement.
6. Shear strength
Stress-strain relations and shear strength of soils, failure criteria, behavior of saturated soils in drained and undrained conditions.
7. Compaction
Density-moisture relationship, compaction energy, methods for soil compaction
SEMESTER | 5th |
eclass | https://eclass.upatras.gr/courses/CIV1655/ |
Details | https://www.civil.upatras.gr/index.php/odhgos/ |
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION and EXAMINATIONS | Greek. Teaching may be however performed in English in case foreign students attend the course. |
Credits ECTS | 6 |
Teaching Hours | 6 |
Erasmus+ | No |
Code | CIV_5310 |
At the end of this course the students should be able to: 1. Know the properties and mechanical behavior of soils. 2. Know the standard lab procedures for determining soil properties. 3. Understand the fundamental principle of effective stresses in soils. 4. Understand and quantify state-of-stress and stress-strain behavior in soils. 5. Compute discharge, settlement and shear strength
At the end of the course the student will have further developed the following skills/competences: 1. Ability to describe the natural state of soils and classify them within a standard system. 2. Ability to compute stresses in a soil mass and apply the effective stress principle. 3. Ability to quantify soil permeability. 4. Ability to compute total and time-rate of settlement. 5. Ability to compute shear strength of soils. 6. Ability to apply standard lab procedures and process the relevant data.