Η Οργανωτική Επιτροπή του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου “ITS2023: Intelligent Systems and Consciousness Society” έχει τη χαρά να δεχθεί τον καθηγητή Jaume Barcelo ως τιμώμενο ομιλητή.

Jaume Barceló
Professor Emeritus, Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona Tech
Doctor in Physical Sciences. 1986-2014 Professor of the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC); principal fields of interest Traffic and Transport Modeling, Transport Planning, Optimization, and Simulation
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona Tech
Doctor in Physical Sciences. 1986-2014 Professor of the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC); principal fields of interest Traffic and Transport Modeling, Transport Planning, Optimization, and Simulation
Techniques in Transportation and their applications to City Logistics and Intelligent Transportation Systems, has more than 45 years of experience on research and software development in the field of transport modeling. Between 2007 and 2015, Scientific Director of the Transport and ICT Projects at InLab FIB (http://inlab.fib.upc.edu) of UPC and Director of the Master in Logistics, Transport, and Mobility of UPC. Between 2015 and 2016 Academic Director of CARNET (www.carnet.barcelona). Author of more than 140 papers published in Technical Journals, Conference Proceedings with peer review, and chapters in technical books on transportation, editor of the Springer book “Fundamentals of Traffic Simulation”. In 1985 set up LIOS (Laboratori d’Investigació Operativa i Simulació) under his direction, and developed the microscopic traffic simulator Aimsun. As director of LIOS since 1989 was the principal researcher of the UPC team in more than 25 projects of the R&D Framework Programs of the European Union, and others from the National &D projects. 2017-2020 Strategic Advisor to PTV Group (www.ptvgroup.com) on Transport Models.
Narcís Monturiol Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya to the Technological Innovation in 1997 for the development of Aimsun.
Traffic Simulation Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the traffic simulation field. 2019, Traffic Simulation Subcommittee of TRB
Traffic Simulation Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the traffic simulation field. 2019, Traffic Simulation Subcommittee of TRB