Στεφανίδης Γεώργιος |
Prof. Stephanedes, BA, MSEE, PhD, PE is a specialist in Transportation and Traffic Theory, and Transport Telematics. He was for 20 years with the Faculty at the Dept. of Civil Engineering of the Univ. of Minnesota, where he became full Professor, and Director of Graduate Studies. At Minnesota, Prof. Stephanedes was funded by the U.S. Government, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Department of Energy, Office of Univ. Research of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Minnesota Dept. of Transportation and California Dept. of Transportation. Prof. Stephanedes was responsible for over 40 contracts funded by the above organizations in the areas of Transport and Traffic Theory, Artificial intelligence in transportation, Transport Modelling, Traffic Control Theory and Applications, Economic Evaluation of Transport Infrastructure, and Impact Analysis.
He was instrumental in creating the Univ. of Minnesota Transportation Program, the Institute of Excellence for Intelligent Transportation Systems, one of 5 such Institutes in the U.S., and the ITS Center of Minnesota.
In the EU he spearheaded a major effort in identifying the impacts of telematics at DGXIII. He led the first EU Impact Analysis Workshop in Brussels that defined the framework for the introduction of ITS in the EU. Since 1997 he has directed numerous EU multinational research projects. He led the design and installation of the new Traffic Control Center and System Infrastructure in Attiki Prefecture.
Prof. Stephanedes is author or co-author of 5 books and over 200 publications, of reference chapters in the CRC Handbooks for Civil Engineering and for Engineering, member of the Transportation Research Board of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, American Society of Civil Engineers, Intelligent Transportation Society of America, and Fellow of the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute among others. He has been Evaluator and Auditor for NSF and the IDEAS Program of the U.S. FHWA, and for Transport Telematics in the EU. He is on the Editorial Board of U.S. and EU journals, and on the Board of Directors of ITS Ellas.
Prof. Stephanedes is currently working in analysing the mesoscopic and microscopic behavior of vehicles during incident-prone conditions. He is studying the ways in which this behavior is affected by incident precursors, and is working in the estimation and prediction of 3-d incident precursor vectors.
In 2009 Prof. Stephanedes received the U.S. Intertec-Braun International Award for his contributions in ITS. He chaired the first ITS International Conferences in Greece and Cyprus in 2011 and 2012. He is Director of the Environmental Engineering and Transportation Division, and of the ITS Program at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Patras.
View here the Google Scholar profile and the CV of Yorgos J. Stephanedes.